Major commission finally completed

Delivering a wonderful pair of vases during lockdown was not the celebratory occasion envisaged when Fred commenced work on them 3 years ago. However the client was delighted with these truly amazing pieces. Unfortunately due to the situation we were not able to have the vases professionally photographed but we will be arranging this when circumstances allow, and we will post the images a soon as possible.

The brief was for a pair of vases and the enamelled scenes to include, amongst other things, game birds and plant life from the British Isles, with a particular reference to Scotland. The vases stand 51cm in height and include 25 types of birds with a total of 41 birds over the two vases. We will be posting closeups of the enamelled scenes on Instagram.

We were hoping to be taking part in Goldsmiths North in Sheffield next month but that has had to be cancelled, and we will keep you posted on Goldsmiths’ Fair in London as soon as we have news. In the meantime we are happy to be tucked away in the studio in the beautiful South Downs working on other commissions, and hoping that 2021 with bring the opportunities to meet up with all those we will have missed this year.